The new Morton memo is significant because it clarifies that the actions that can be used to exercise prosecutorial discretion include decisions on whether to:
- Issue or cancel a notice of detainer;
-“Reissue” or “serve” Notices to Appear (NTA); this gives an ICE officer the flexibility to allow a respondent to accrue the necessary continuous residence or continuous physical presence time for LPR and non-LPR cancellation, respectively;
-Settle or dismiss a proceeding; this appears to apply at all stages of a removal proceeding, including federal court appeals.
The memo cites as favorable factors to consider: whether the case falls within agency priorities, whether the person has graduated from a U.S. high school or is in pursuit of higher education, family relationships. Only a few negative factors are listed warranting “particular” consideration, including national security risks, serious felons, repeat offenders, those with lengthy criminal records, gang members, and “egregious” immigration violators.
The memo encourages ICE officers to proactively consider prosecutorial discretion even without being asked to do so.
Only a month after the roll-out of the new Morton memos, it is still to be seen how they will play out in the field. Hopefully they will be used to help ICE keep its focus on its stated goal of deporting serious criminal offenders and dangers to the community while spending less time chasing the deportations of DREAM Act eligible and other non-priority cases.